We are excited to share
This is in-residence training in the warm loving culture of Mexico for the 3rd annual year.
We will kick off the new year with Osteothai training in Sayulita Mexico.
Our focus will be Head, Heart & Hara
We will observe both structurally and functionally within the body mechanism to explore where blocked energy is stored, known as pain and suffering with a special focus on the diaphragm as king of the respiratory system, head, neck and shoulders, and the vagal nerve, aka, the soul's nerve.

Sanador, cúrate a ti mismo: a medida que crecemos, nuestra práctica evoluciona. Nuestro tacto se suaviza y nuestras habilidades auditivas se afinan mucho.
Primero debemos trabajar dentro de nosotros mismos, profundizando nuestra conciencia y escuchando las sutilezas de nuestros pensamientos y comportamientos. Practique metta con nosotros mismos, el acto de bondad amorosa, y tómese el tiempo para contemplar la vida. Estos son ingredientes clave para el Sanador que llevamos dentro.
Nuestro objetivo
Meditación Nuestra meditación matutina preparará el escenario para el día, tranquilizándonos por dentro y alineándonos con la tierra, el cielo y el corazón. Pasar tiempo juntos como comunidad de trabajadores corporales, refinar nuestras habilidades y técnicas de escucha nos unirá en el momento presente.
Yoga/Movimiento El propósito del yoga o movimiento es desarrollar fuerza, conciencia y armonía tanto en la mente como en el cuerpo. Unir la conexión de la mente y el cuerpo es una práctica desarrollada para entrenar el cuerpo y la mente para auto- observar y tomar conciencia de nuestra propia naturaleza verdadera.
Entrenamiento tailandés Este es un entorno único para el cultivo de sus habilidades de masaje tailandés. Ya sea que sea un principiante o un practicante avanzado, esta es una oportunidad para refinar sus habilidades y perfeccionar la práctica de la escucha profunda. Los 4 bhrama viharas, los estados sublimes de la mente. Metta. Amabilidad amorosa: el amor que se preocupa, se centra en la bondad y el amor hacia todos los seres vivos, Karuna: la compasión ve el sufrimiento de los seres. Mudita: Alegría compasiva... El amor que aprecia es una pura alegría no adulterada por el interés propio. Upekkha: Ecuanimidad- el amor que "permite", es la base para la sabiduría y la libertad y el protector de la compasión y el amor.
21 de febrero - 4:30 - 7:30 - Apertura/Orientación
(Favor de llegar al aeropuerto de Puerta Vallarta a más tardar a las 2 pm)
6:30 am - 7:00 am _ Meditación/canto
7:00 am - 8:15 am _ Yoga/Movimiento
8:30 - 9:30 _ Desayuno buffet
10:00 am - 1:30 pm _ Entrenamiento tailandés
13:30 - 16:30 _ (tiempo libre) Almuerzo/siesta/playa
4:30 - 7:30 pm _ Entrenamiento tailandés
20:00 _ Cena
28 de febrero- 7:30 am - 8:30 am Desayuno y Empaque
9:00 am - 11:30 am Entrenamiento tailandés/Cierre
(Reserve sus vuelos más tarde en la tarde para permitir 2 horas antes de la salida y 1 hora de tiempo de transporte a PVR)
I - Day Boat Excursion- Navegación a las Islas Marietas, snorkel, exploración de las islas, avistamiento de ballenas y todo lo que hace la naturaleza para sorprendernos con su belleza.

Meet The Team

Kelly Marie
Meet your Osteothai instructor, Kelly. Her attraction to Thai Yoga Massage was immediate. Within a couple of months of receiving her first Thai Yoga Massage, she set off on an international journey to immerse herself in the Thai healing arts. Her unique approach to Thai Yoga Massage infuses a variety of styles that were inspired by her studies at Costa Rica School and the Integral Touch Institute in Thailand and Indonesia. In 2016 she found a new approach that bridges the two worlds of Eastern and Western modalities with Osteopathy techniques and Thai yoga. In 2019 she entered a masters Osteothai, MOT with David Lutt and Jorg Schurpf. Kelly shares her passion for Osteothai in a holistic, culturally rich, and playful way. She has a private practice in Knoxville, TN specializing in Thai Yoga and Osteo Thai. and is co-owner of Glowing Body Yoga & Healing Arts. Wellness Travel is one of her passions to create platforms for transformation.

Julie Fischer
Meet Julie, This is Julie's 3rd year holding space with our morning mediation and chanting. Julie is a student of Life, with a diverse background ranging from corporate finance, studying shamanism, practicing various types of bodywork, receving a degree in religious studies & yoga studio owner. She is currently a Thai therapist, yoga instructor, response singer in Kirtan bands, nana of 3, and has a passion for Bhakti yoga & chanting. Mantra chanting has become a primary practice in Julie's life, bringing her increasing personal strength, growth and spiritual connection through these changing times. She freely offers online daily morning chants, and loves to share her practice with others.

Fleur-Anne Serre
Meet Fleur-Anne, This is Fleur-Anne's 3rd year attending Metta in Mexico and we are delighted to have her presence once again. Fleur-Anne is originally from Paris and lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband and two children. In Fleurs own words, "I discovered my passion for yoga during my travels in Asia. I understood how the connection between body and mind had great transformative power; allowing for holistic well-being. It was then that I honed my skills and knowledge by becoming a certified vinyasa yoga instructor, since 2016. It was then that I naturally felt the need to combine more of a holistic approach to well-being with touch therapy, by adding Thai bodywork to my skills (deep body relaxation, pre- and post-natal, energetic healing, alleviating and healing body aches and pains, and belly tension...). My approach to yoga focuses on the mental and emotional benefits. Above all, yoga is a path to self-discovery and inner peace. My classes are designed to be adaptable and accessible to all, so that everyone can reveal their potential through this practice. Classes are dynamic, mixing Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga, with a focus on breathing. Each session begins with a little meditation and ends with a time of relaxation.

Alejo Desiderio
Alejo has been involoved with Metta in Mexico for 3 years as the lead guide in our hiking adventure through the jungles along the beach. He is originally from Argentina, living in Mexico for several years. He's a true nature lover and has dedicated his time in Mexico studying the flora and fauna native to Nayarit's lush jungles. He offers daily hiking tours in Sayulita, stressing the importance of eco-tourism. He has studied Forest Therapy in the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku to offer mindfulness and meditations. His passion is to make draw others in connecting to their own natrual environment.

Hotelita Staff
Meet the ladies in the kitchen. They have a heart of gold and prepare our delicious breakfast each day with a smile. Try your spanish while your ordering breakfast. They will love it.

Alley Cat Tours
Our one day long boating excursion is likely to be your highlight. The open air and sea has a freedom to it that is hard to describe. It is magical to experience so much beauty that abounds. Our guides Love their jobs, they are super friendly, and lots of fun and always with big smiles and a little shuffle ( they got the dance moves ) They are the best in the bay and we are SO Lucky & thrilled they are part of our team ! Also, they love to share their wealth of knowledge with you. Feel free to ask them about the whales — Dolphin’s – Sea turtles — Manta rays fish that grace the beautiful Bay and commonly seen during the day. The Chef’s start’s everyday bright and early with hand-selected local ingredients getting breakfast ready and creating your snacks & Lunch, All FRESH & SOOOO Tasty. Make sure you try their mean Guacamole and Salsa ( Yummy ) as well as everything that is prepared in their kitchen. Also, serving an arrangement of refreshing drinks for adults, smoothies for the kids. Always at your service with a smile.

7 Noches / 8 Días
Desayuno buffet incluido cada día
2 comidas de origen local, la primera y la última noche de nuestro retiro (cena)
yoga diario / movimiento y meditación
transporte desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Puerta Vallarta
Navegación a la Isla Marietas donde haremos snorkel, nadaremos, tomaremos el sol, avistaremos ballenas, bailaremos y celebraremos la VIDA.
Meditación Sanadora con Baño de Sonido
Caminata por la playa de la jungla
30 cursos de yoga tailandés aprobados por CE/NCBTMB Contenido del curso
Kelly scott - masaje tailandés dinámico
David Roma - Masaje Tradicional Tailandés
Aire acondicionado
Terraza solarium
Dos piscinas (¡nueva piscina de agua salada!)
Bicicletas de cortesía
Desayuno buffet
WiFi está disponible en todas las áreas.
Prohibido fumar en todo
Espacios al aire libre para descansar
$2050- ocupación sencilla (¡Nuevo precio!)
o 4 pagos sin intereses de $512.50 usando Pay Later
$1695 - ocupación doble (¡Nuevo precio!)
o 4 pagos sin intereses de $423.75 usando Pay Later
Depósito de seguridad de $500 (no reembolsable)
Se puede pagar directamente al pagar el viaje en su totalidad o si está pagandoincrementos los primeros $500 serán losseguridad depósito
La inscripción y el pago completo vencen un mes antes de la fecha del retiro, 21 de enero de 2023
Pague en su totalidad ahora o pague en incrementos. El primer pago será un depósito de seguridad de $500 para reservar su lugar.
Para cualquier pregunta adicional, comuníquese conmigo a través de iluvmassage.dragonfly@gmail.com.
Espero conocerte !
Frequently Ask
Frequently ask
Do I need a passport to enter Mexico?
Passports are required for travel to Mexico
Mexico and other international flights require your passport to be valid for at least 6 months beyond your period of intended stay
Passport applications/renewals may take several months to process so please plan accordingly. If you are renewing your passport - the best practice is to include a pre-paid self-addressed envelope along with your application for a speedy return.
Make sure you’re ready to go abroad by verifying that you have the required documents for your upcoming trip.
Frequently ask
How much money should I bring?
It depends on your taste and style of travel. As an example of what is available.
Food is plentiful from street taco carts, smoothies, juice bars, and fine dining beachside.
The cost of food varies from delicious street vendors ranging from $3-$5 USD for a full meal to casual and finer dining between $10-$25.
Shopping is also plentiful. Sayulita is an artistic village with many locally made clothing, swimsuits, herbal remedies, textiles and so much more. The price ranges are anywhere from a few dollars to finer textiles that can run well over $100.
Frequently ask
Is this retreat just for massage therapists?
No, Metta in Mexico is open to the public, with no experience necessary. Those who enjoy community building, who love to learn about the body, and who enjoy giving and receiving bodywork have thoroughly enjoyed their time with us in Mexico.
For practicing massage therapist this course is excellent for new skills and approaches to their existing practice, but also for their own self-care practice, taking time to gain personal reflection and insight into life.